Steam Walker
Gold Medal winner of Kinetic Artbots
RoboGames 2006!

RoboGames 2006 over 300 robots! Some how, I came home
with 2 Gold Medals! The other one was for Steam Trilobite Tank for Best of Show!

Engine: Wilesco D14
Chassis / Legs: Erector Set - Crazy Inventors kit + other misc. Meccano sprockets & pieces
Fuel: Solid Fuel Tablets
Running Time: 15 Min
Size: Width 7" x Length 9" x Height: 14"

Info and Details:

First Steps:
The first attempt was mounting the Wilesco D14, including the big bulky base, right on top of the walker chassis. This was proof of concept, and it worked!


Low Rider:
 The baseplate was removed and the steam engine lowered. It was less tipsy with a lower center of gravity.


Final Walker:
Pulley and  rubber band system upgraded to sprocket & chain drive. Also geared it down to improved walking distance


MAKE interview at RoboGames 2006

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